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General Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of Application

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all sales and services provided by Eye Designer, whether through the website, through salons, or by any other expression of intent.
By accessing and using the Eye Designer website, including purchasing products from Eye Designer, the client acknowledges being bound by these General Terms and Conditions, which they declare to have read and understood.
Eye Designer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time. It is the client’s responsibility to regularly review them to stay informed of any changes. The Conditions applicable at the time of contract conclusion by the client shall apply, unless the client has expressly accepted other provisions in writing.

2. Conclusion of the Contract

The contract is concluded at the moment the client accepts the offer made by Eye Designer, in relation to the purchase of Eye Designer services.
The contract is, in any case, concluded as soon as the client accepts the services offered by Eye Designer.

3. Prices

Unless otherwise agreed, all prices are stated in Swiss Francs (CHF). Eye Designer reserves the right to state prices in other currencies depending on the countries in which its services are provided.

All proposed prices include additional amounts related to Value Added Tax (VAT) when applicable. The applicable VAT rate is determined based on the concerned country.

Prices do not include any additional taxes that may apply.
Eye Designer reserves the right to change its prices at any time. The prices stated apply at the time of contract conclusion.

4. Payment

Eye Designer offers the following payment methods on its website: Credit Card.
Generally, the sale price must be fully paid by the client upon contract conclusion.

5. Obligations of Eye Designer

5.1. Provision of Services
Unless otherwise agreed, Eye Designer fulfills its obligations by providing the agreed service. Unless otherwise stipulated, the place of performance is at the Eye Designer’s headquarters.

5.2. Auxiliaries
Eye Designer expressly reserves the right to engage auxiliaries to perform its contractual obligations.

6. Client’s Obligations

The client is required to take all necessary measures as soon as possible so that Eye Designer can provide its services. The client must take these measures at the place, time, and manner that have been agreed upon. Depending on the circumstances, the client will also be required to provide all necessary information and documents to Eye Designer.

Eye Designer is the provider of an online platform. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the client also confirms that they have unlimited legal capacity and are of legal age. By registering, the client expressly declares that all information provided is true and correct. The client is fully responsible for the preservation of their access data and passwords. The client is responsible for the content of the data uploaded.

In particular, it guarantees the legality, accuracy, and timeliness of this data. Any upload or publication of protected, illegal, or offensive material, including plagiarism, is strictly prohibited, and Eye Designer accepts no responsibility of any kind.

7. Non-Solicitation

The client may not poach or hire employees or auxiliaries of Eye Designer, whether for their own account or on behalf of a third party, without the express agreement of Eye Designer. It is also forbidden for the client to employ employees or auxiliaries of Eye Designer, directly or indirectly, even after the end of the contractual relations binding them to Eye Designer. This prohibition is valid for one year after the end of the employment relations and is limited to the field of activity of the concerned employees and auxiliaries.

8. Warranty

Eye Designer guarantees to perform the agreed services according to the usual quality standards.

9. Liability

Any liability for indirect or consequential damage is excluded.
The liability in case of direct damage is limited to the price of the service. This limitation of liability is not valid in case of fraud or gross negligence.
The client is required to immediately inform Eye Designer of any damage.
Any potential liability of auxiliaries is excluded, to the extent permitted by law.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

Eye Designer has all rights over the products and services it offers.
Neither these General Terms and Conditions nor the individual agreements related to them deal with the transfer of intellectual property rights, unless expressly provided for.

Furthermore, any reuse, publication, or dissemination of information, images, texts, or other elements that the client receives in connection with these provisions are prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Eye Designer.

11. Data Protection

Eye Designer must process and use the data collected at the time of contract conclusion in order to fulfill its contractual obligations. Eye Designer takes all necessary measures to ensure data protection in accordance with legal provisions.

The client agrees that their data may be recorded and used in accordance with the contract and is aware that Eye Designer may communicate their data or that of third parties in case of injunctions from a court or an authority.

Unless the client has expressly excluded it, Eye Designer is entitled to use their data for marketing reasons. The data necessary for the performance of the service may be transferred to service partners mandated by Eye Designer as well as to other third parties.

The client has the possibility to request at any time the deletion or correction of their data. The client also has the right to revoke at any time their consent regarding the use or processing of their personal data for the future. On these topics, the client can write by email to:

The recorded data that are no longer necessary to achieve the announced purpose will be deleted.

12. Entire Agreement

These General Terms and Conditions replace all previous agreements or provisions. Only the provisions provided by individual contracts that specify these General Terms and Conditions take precedence over them.

13. Severability Clause

The validity of these General Terms and Conditions will not be affected if one of its provisions or one of its annexes is or should be declared null. In this case, the null or invalid provision will be replaced by a valid provision that approximates the purpose intended by the null or invalid provision. The same applies in case of a possible contractual gap.

14. Confidentiality

The client, Eye Designer, and their auxiliaries undertake to keep all information exchanged or acquired in the context of the services performed secret. The confidentiality obligation continues even after the end of the contract.

15. Applicable Law / Jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to Swiss law.
The courts located at the place of Eye Designer’s headquarters are competent to settle any dispute between the parties, except for mandatory legal provisions to the contrary.

Eye Designer is free to bring a legal action at the defendant’s headquarters/residence.
This contract constitutes an acknowledgment of debt within the meaning of Article 82 of the Swiss Federal Act on Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy (LP).

The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (RS is expressly excluded.

16. Contact

For any questions or requests for information, the client can send an email to the following email address:
We will be pleased to answer you!

General Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of Application

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all sales and services provided by Eye Designer, whether through the website, through salons, or by any other expression of intent.
By accessing and using the Eye Designer website, including purchasing products from Eye Designer, the client acknowledges being bound by these General Terms and Conditions, which they declare to have read and understood.
Eye Designer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time. It is the client’s responsibility to regularly review them to stay informed of any changes. The Conditions applicable at the time of contract conclusion by the client shall apply, unless the client has expressly accepted other provisions in writing.

2. Conclusion of the Contract

The contract is concluded at the moment the client accepts the offer made by Eye Designer, in relation to the purchase of Eye Designer services.
The contract is, in any case, concluded as soon as the client accepts the services offered by Eye Designer.

3. Prices

Unless otherwise agreed, all prices are stated in Swiss Francs (CHF). Eye Designer reserves the right to state prices in other currencies depending on the countries in which its services are provided.

All proposed prices include additional amounts related to Value Added Tax (VAT) when applicable. The applicable VAT rate is determined based on the concerned country.

Prices do not include any additional taxes that may apply.
Eye Designer reserves the right to change its prices at any time. The prices stated apply at the time of contract conclusion.

4. Payment

Eye Designer offers the following payment methods on its website: Credit Card.
Generally, the sale price must be fully paid by the client upon contract conclusion.

5. Obligations of Eye Designer

5.1. Provision of Services
Unless otherwise agreed, Eye Designer fulfills its obligations by providing the agreed service. Unless otherwise stipulated, the place of performance is at the Eye Designer’s headquarters.

5.2. Auxiliaries
Eye Designer expressly reserves the right to engage auxiliaries to perform its contractual obligations.

6. Client’s Obligations

The client is required to take all necessary measures as soon as possible so that Eye Designer can provide its services. The client must take these measures at the place, time, and manner that have been agreed upon. Depending on the circumstances, the client will also be required to provide all necessary information and documents to Eye Designer.

Eye Designer is the provider of an online platform. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the client also confirms that they have unlimited legal capacity and are of legal age. By registering, the client expressly declares that all information provided is true and correct. The client is fully responsible for the preservation of their access data and passwords. The client is responsible for the content of the data uploaded.

In particular, it guarantees the legality, accuracy, and timeliness of this data. Any upload or publication of protected, illegal, or offensive material, including plagiarism, is strictly prohibited, and Eye Designer accepts no responsibility of any kind.

7. Non-Solicitation

The client may not poach or hire employees or auxiliaries of Eye Designer, whether for their own account or on behalf of a third party, without the express agreement of Eye Designer. It is also forbidden for the client to employ employees or auxiliaries of Eye Designer, directly or indirectly, even after the end of the contractual relations binding them to Eye Designer. This prohibition is valid for one year after the end of the employment relations and is limited to the field of activity of the concerned employees and auxiliaries.

8. Warranty

Eye Designer guarantees to perform the agreed services according to the usual quality standards.

9. Liability

Any liability for indirect or consequential damage is excluded.
The liability in case of direct damage is limited to the price of the service. This limitation of liability is not valid in case of fraud or gross negligence.
The client is required to immediately inform Eye Designer of any damage.
Any potential liability of auxiliaries is excluded, to the extent permitted by law.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

Eye Designer has all rights over the products and services it offers.
Neither these General Terms and Conditions nor the individual agreements related to them deal with the transfer of intellectual property rights, unless expressly provided for.

Furthermore, any reuse, publication, or dissemination of information, images, texts, or other elements that the client receives in connection with these provisions are prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Eye Designer.

11. Data Protection

Eye Designer must process and use the data collected at the time of contract conclusion in order to fulfill its contractual obligations. Eye Designer takes all necessary measures to ensure data protection in accordance with legal provisions.

The client agrees that their data may be recorded and used in accordance with the contract and is aware that Eye Designer may communicate their data or that of third parties in case of injunctions from a court or an authority.

Unless the client has expressly excluded it, Eye Designer is entitled to use their data for marketing reasons. The data necessary for the performance of the service may be transferred to service partners mandated by Eye Designer as well as to other third parties.

The client has the possibility to request at any time the deletion or correction of their data. The client also has the right to revoke at any time their consent regarding the use or processing of their personal data for the future. On these topics, the client can write by email to:

The recorded data that are no longer necessary to achieve the announced purpose will be deleted.

12. Entire Agreement

These General Terms and Conditions replace all previous agreements or provisions. Only the provisions provided by individual contracts that specify these General Terms and Conditions take precedence over them.

13. Severability Clause

The validity of these General Terms and Conditions will not be affected if one of its provisions or one of its annexes is or should be declared null. In this case, the null or invalid provision will be replaced by a valid provision that approximates the purpose intended by the null or invalid provision. The same applies in case of a possible contractual gap.

14. Confidentiality

The client, Eye Designer, and their auxiliaries undertake to keep all information exchanged or acquired in the context of the services performed secret. The confidentiality obligation continues even after the end of the contract.

15. Applicable Law / Jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to Swiss law.
The courts located at the place of Eye Designer’s headquarters are competent to settle any dispute between the parties, except for mandatory legal provisions to the contrary.

Eye Designer is free to bring a legal action at the defendant’s headquarters/residence.
This contract constitutes an acknowledgment of debt within the meaning of Article 82 of the Swiss Federal Act on Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy (LP).

The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (RS is expressly excluded.

16. Contact

For any questions or requests for information, the client can send an email to the following email address:
We will be pleased to answer you!





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